
Customize and acquire your ideal data center with Infrastructure Guides' Data Center Acquisition & Disposition services. Tailored solutions for mission-critical needs.


Customized Data Centers for Your Mission-Critical Needs

Infrastructure Guides offers organizations the ability to design and customize data centers to meet their specific requirements. With our Data Center Acquisition & Disposition services, you can have full control over the location, size, design, and resiliency level of your data center, all without the burden of a large upfront capital expenditure.

Advantages of Build-to-Suit Data Centers

Our build-to-suit lease structure provides several key advantages:


You have complete control over the design of your data center, including structural elements, interior architecture, and electrical and mechanical infrastructure. We work closely with you to implement power, cooling, redundancy, and security solutions that meet your precise needs.

Cost Efficiency:

By choosing a build-to-suit data center, you can avoid the significant initial capital expenditure typically associated with building and owning a data center. We help you design, build, and support a cost-efficient facility that aligns perfectly with your business requirements.

Expertise & Purchasing Power:

Our extensive expertise, purchasing power, and strong vendor relationships enable us to decrease the overall time to market for your customized data center. We collaborate with leading consultants, engineering firms, and building subcontractors to ensure a seamless process from design and development to construction and completion.

Optimal Infrastructure:

Your data center will have the critical power needed to support your servers and networking equipment, with redundant systems ensuring maximum uptime. We prioritize energy-efficient cooling systems to create the optimal environment for your equipment. Additionally, our connectivity options, including cloud on-ramps and connections to major carriers, ensure low-latency and high-performance deployments.

How Build-to-Suit Data Centers Work

In a build-to-suit lease arrangement, you select Infrastructure Guides as your trusted partner to design and build a customized data center on an ideal site. Upon completion, you lease the data center back from us on a long-term basis, allowing you to maintain full control and ownership. This approach provides the flexibility to meet your unique requirements without the complexities of data center ownership.

Please note that while build-to-suit solutions offer tailored data centers, they may require additional time and investment compared to alternative options. However, the benefits of customization, cost efficiency, and optimal infrastructure make it a compelling choice for organizations seeking a data center solution aligned precisely with their needs.

Discover the power of Infrastructure Guides' Data Center Acquisition & Disposition services. Contact us today to discuss how we can assist you in designing and acquiring a customized data center facility that perfectly matches your mission-critical objectives.

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Trusted Build-To-Suit Providers

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What our clients say about our work.

We saved 20% over any other provider we were quoted

We had a very unique set of connectivity needs and the team at Infrastructure Guides placed us in 10 data centers globally while simplifying our processes. We saved over twenty percent from any other provider we were quoted.

Client 1
Colocation Services
Colocation Services from Infrastructure Guides

IG helped us finish a migration project we started years ago

We had an infrastructure to public cloud project that we were migrating over a number of years. Infrastructure Guides wrote us a new data center contract which allowed us step down our environment over time. They also got us express routes to limit our exposure to public cloud data fees.

Client 2
Data Center to Cloud
Get Infrastructure Guides for IT Services

IG saved us $20,000 per month on our contract

We had been with the same colocation provider for over 10 years and our costs were getting out of control. Infrastructure Guides helped us negotiate back to market rates, saving us over $20,000 per month without having to change a thing with our existing infrastructure.

Client 3
Contract Renewal
Data center services with Infrastructure Guides